
UnhistoricalskinforyourP-47dUSAAF.Ad-lib.madebytemplate+germanP-47dinwards.Beige/darkgreencamouflagewithwhitewingtips,D-daystripesonits ...,ThisskinisfortheAmericanP-47D-28.AlternateVersionwithoutSwastikasonthevictorymarkings....,P-47withgreencamoandmarkingsusedbythebrazilianpilotsduringWorldWarIIintheItaliancampaign.*Update*-Thankstosomefeedbackthemodelnow ...,4kddsskinwithseveralminorcorrect...

WT Live Camouflage by -Pigeon

Unhistorical skin for your P-47d USAAF. Ad-lib. made by template + german P-47d inwards. Beige/dark green camouflage with white wingtips, D-day stripes on its ...

WT Live Camouflage by CmdNomad

This skin is for the American P-47D-28. Alternate Version without Swastikas on the victory markings. ...

WT Live Camouflage by devito1

P-47 with green camo and markings used by the brazilian pilots during World War II in the Italian campaign. *Update* - Thanks to some feedback the model now ...

WT Live Camouflage by HotWaffle

4k dds skin with several minor corrections, uploaded for the skins of the month competition. Includes versions with and without swastikas. Works on both P-47 ...

WT Live Camouflage by mrakaaoki

This skin is based of Mimic Squadron's dazzle camouflage from the Ace Combat 7 DLC missions. It is is for the P-47 D-30 on the Chinese tech tree. This skin was ...

WT Live Camouflage by P47_Lover

This skin is for the American P-47D-28. Alternate Version without Swastikas on the victory markings. ...

WT Live Camouflage by Sadolf

P-47D Soviet Desert skin. Another skin for the stalinbolt. This time it's a two tone brown/sand combo to be used on desert or steppe maps. I also plan ...

WT Live Camouflage by SnowWolf_01

This skin is for the American P-47D-28. Alternate Version without Swastikas on the victory markings. ...

WT Live Camouflage by _CrazyDutchGuy_

81 Sqn SEAC, 1946 skin for P-47D-28. The RAF once sent some of their assets into Indonesia after Japanese surrender, including No. 81 Squadron. The squadron ...